Recent HCI Placements
Human Capital Innovations is proud to announce the following executive placements! We wish these exceptional candidates and our stellar clients the very best in the future.
- Global Head of Compensation
- VP of Vendor Management - National Bank
- Director of Call Center - Fortune 100 Company
- VP Technical Operations
- Vice President Business Development - Fortune 50 Firm
- Chief Human Resource Officer - Fortune 500 Firm
- Vice President Technical Operations - Fortune 50 Telecommunications Firm
- Global Head of Compensation & Benefits - Fortune 500 Firm
- Chief Business Development Executive - Major Advertising Firm
- Vice President Strategy - Financial Services Firm
- Vice President Treasury - Global Bank
- Director of Human Resources - Fortune 50 Telecommunications Firm
- Human Resource Director - International Law Firm
- Human Resource Manager - International Law Firm
- Head of Engineering - Fortune 500 Firm
- Head of Technical Deployment - Fortune 50 Firm
- Procurement Director - National Healthcare Firm
- Chief Global Compensation and Benefits - Fortune 500 firm
- Principal Executive Compensation-International consulting firm
- Sr. Director Multicultural Marketing - Fortune 50 firm
- Practice Leader Hospitality - Medical Device Company
- Practice Leader Retail - Medical Device Company
- Practice Leader Fitness and Recreation - Medical Device Company
- Practice Leader Manufacturing - Medical Device Company
- Director of Human Resources - Telecommunications and Entertainment
Company - Director Employee Relations - Utility Company
- Several Banking Executives
- Global Head of Compensation - Manufacturing Company
- Head of Strategic Training - Private Company
- US Head of Human Resources - International Consulting Firm
- Head of Capacity Management - Fortune 50 firm
- Vice President Operations - Utility Construction Company